ICA Gruppen has made great progress on reducing the climate impact of its own operations: between 2006 and 2020 it was reduced by a full 76%. At the same time, emissions remain, such as from goods transports, refrigerants, and the energy that is used in ICA Gruppen’s offices, stores, pharmacies and warehouses. From a broader perspective we also know that food production accounts for roughly a fourth of global greenhouse gas emissions.
ICA Gruppen's long-term ambition is to continue reducing the climate impact in the entire value chain, in line with 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. In 2023, ICA Gruppen submitted its climate targets to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation. The goals are in line with SBTi's standard for net zero targets, which means, in addition to continued emission reductions from the company's own operations, that the climate impact from customers' food purchases must be reduced with 30 percent by 2030. ICA Gruppen's climate work, and the ambition to go beyond climate neutrality, was rewarded in 2021 UN Global Climate Action Awards.
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