Our most important brands are ICA, which has long been one of Sweden’s best-known brands, and Rimi, which is used in the Baltic countries.
ICA Gruppen is working continuously on further defining and developing the promises that are coupled to the brands. Among other things we are working on developing loyalty programmes, store establishment and private label products, which give customers greater value and contribute to a unique range.

- one of Sweden’s best known brands
The ICA logo has long been one of Sweden’s best-known brands. Created by industrial designer Rune Monö, it was launched 50 years ago, marking the start of ICA’s modern history.
With the launch of the ICA logo came the opportunity to gather the independent retailers under one and the same brand. It also enabled advertising and joint offers at a central level.
Did you know that:
• more than 9 out of 10 consumers in Sweden are familiar with ICA
• more than 9 out of 10 Swedish consumers would consider shopping at ICA
• more than half of Swedish consumers prefer to shop at ICA
In ICA Gruppen’s brand portfolio we also have
Rimi Baltic
Apotek Hjärtat